Bishop Verot - Viking Elite Classic (Regional Qualifier) Date: 03-16-24   Venue: Bishop Verot - Ft. Myers, FL
Types of Entrants:
    High Schools
Meet Events: Available
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Name: Martin Byrd

Phone: 239-603-4131
Online entries CLOSED on 3/14/24 09:51 AM US/Eastern
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Meet Notes:

Viking Elite Classic

Bishop Verot High School


After a year Hiatus, the Bishop Verot Viking Elite Classic is back. We look forward to welcoming all of the area s teams for a competitive event. This is a FHSAA sanctioned meet.

This meet has been sanctioned as a Regional Qualifier.

Meet Contact: You must contact Coach Byrd for access to this meet.

Head Track Coach: Martin Byrd (

Cost: $300 per team or $200 per gender

Officials: Central Florida Officials

Timing Company: Elite Timing Management

PARTICIPANTS: Each team is limited to 3 athletes per running event and 3 per field event.

Entries must be entered into by March 13th at 11:59 p.m.


Coaching Meeting: 8:30 a.m. on the 50 yard Line

Check-in Procedures: Check-in tent will be behind the 100m start.

Awards: The top 3 athletes in each event will be given an award

Team Trophy: A team trophy will be presented to the winner only at the conclusion of the event


FIELD EVENTS: There will be a set time for warm-ups for all event. The Athletes will warm-up in the order they will compete in the heat.

Three attempts will be given for the LJ, TJ, SP, and Discus.

Three attempts will be given to Javelin participants.

All field events will be run as finals.


Event Locations

High Jump will take place on the turf in the west endzone

Discus and Javelin will be located on the back field behind the home stands

Shot Put is located behind the Student bleachers

Team Tents can be set-up in the stands, in the stadium or in Portable City on the North Side of Campus

Athletic Trainer will be set-up next to the concessions stand.

Warm-up area will be marked from the Endzone to the 30 yards opposite high jump