Colorado Sport: Track & Field   
Men's Teams Women's Teams
Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln
Academy of Charter Schools Academy of Charter Schools
Academy, The Academy, The
Adams City Adams City
Agate Agate
Aguilar Aguilar
Air Academy Air Academy
Akron Akron
Akron JHS Akron JHS
Alameda Alameda
Alamosa Alamosa
Alexander Dawson Alexander Dawson
Antonito Antonito
Arapahoe Arapahoe
Arickaree Arickaree
Arrupe Jesuit Arrupe Jesuit
Arvada Arvada
Arvada West Arvada West
Aspen Aspen
Aurora Central Aurora Central
Baca County Baca County
Basalt Basalt
Battle Mountain Battle Mountain
Bayfield Bayfield
Bear Creek Bear Creek
Belleview Christian Belleview Christian
Bennett Bennett
Berthoud Berthoud
Bethune Bethune
Bishop Machebeuf Bishop Machebeuf
Boulder Boulder
Branson Branson
Briggsdale Briggsdale
Brighton Brighton
Brighton Charter Brighton Charter
Broomfield Broomfield
Brush Brush
Brush Middle School Brush Middle School
Buena Vista Buena Vista
Burlington Burlington
Burlington Middle School Burlington Middle School
Byers Byers
Calhan Calhan
Caliche Caliche
Caliche JHS Caliche JHS
Campion Academy Campion Academy
Campo Campo
Canon City Canon City
Caprock Classical Academy Caprock Classical Academy
Castle View Castle View
Cedaredge Cedaredge
Centauri Centauri
Centaurus Centaurus
Centennial Centennial
Center Center
Chaparral Chaparral
Chatfield Chatfield
Cheraw Cheraw
Cherokee Trail Cherokee Trail
Cherry Creek Cherry Creek
Cheyenne Mountain Cheyenne Mountain
Cheyenne Wells Cheyenne Wells
Christian Fellowship Christian Fellowship
Classical Academy Classical Academy
Clear Creek Clear Creek
Coal Ridge Coal Ridge
Colorado Academy Colorado Academy
Colorado Deaf & Blind Colorado Deaf & Blind
Colorado Rocky Mountain Colorado Rocky Mountain
Colorado Springs Christian Colorado Springs Christian
Colorado Springs School Colorado Springs School
Columbine Columbine
Community Christian Community Christian
Conifer Conifer
Coronado Coronado
Cotopaxi Cotopaxi
Creede Creede
Crested Butte Crested Butte
Cripple Creek Cripple Creek
Crow Valley Crow Valley
Crowley County Crowley County
Custer County Custer County
D'Evelyn D'Evelyn
Dakota Ridge Dakota Ridge
Dayspring Christian Dayspring Christian
De Beque De Beque
Deer Trail Deer Trail
Del Norte Del Norte
Delta Delta
Denver Academy Denver Academy
Denver Christian Denver Christian
Denver East Denver East
Denver Lutheran Denver Lutheran
Denver North Denver North
Denver Sci/Tech Denver Sci/Tech
Denver South Denver South
Denver Waldorf Denver Waldorf
Denver West Denver West
Discovery Canyon Discovery Canyon
Doherty Doherty
Dolores Dolores
Dolores Huerta Prep Dolores Huerta Prep
Douglas County Douglas County
Dove Creek Dove Creek
Durango Durango
Eads Eads
Eagle Valley Eagle Valley
Eaglecrest Eaglecrest
Eaton Eaton
Edison Edison
Elbert Elbert
Elizabeth Elizabeth
Ellicott Ellicott
Englewood Englewood
Erie Erie
Estes Park Estes Park
Evangelical Christian Evangelical Christian
Evergreen Evergreen
Excelsior Excelsior
Fairview Fairview
Faith Christian Faith Christian
Falcon Falcon
Flagler Flagler
Fleming Fleming
Florence Florence
Fort Collins Fort Collins
Fort Lupton Fort Lupton
Fort Morgan Fort Morgan
Fort Morgan MS Fort Morgan MS
Fossil Ridge Fossil Ridge
Fountain Valley Fountain Valley
Fountain-Fort Carson Fountain-Fort Carson
Fowler Fowler
Frederick Frederick
Front Range Christian Front Range Christian
Frontier Academy Frontier Academy
Fruita Monument Fruita Monument
Gateway Gateway
Genoa-Hugo Genoa-Hugo
George Washington George Washington
Gilpin County Gilpin County
Glenwood Springs Glenwood Springs
Golden Golden
Golden View Classical Academy Golden View Classical Academy
Granada Granada
Grand Junction Grand Junction
Grand Junction Central Grand Junction Central
Grand Valley Grand Valley
Grandview Grandview
Greeley Central Greeley Central
Greeley West Greeley West
Green Mountain Green Mountain
Gunnison Gunnison
Hanover Hanover
Harrison Harrison
Haxtun Haxtun
Hayden Hayden
Heritage Heritage
Heritage Christian Heritage Christian
Herzl/RMHA Herzl/RMHA
Hi-Plains Hi-Plains
Highland Highland
Highlands Ranch Highlands Ranch
Hilltop Baptist Hilltop Baptist
Hinkley Hinkley
Hoehne Hoehne
Holly Holly
Holy Family Holy Family
Holy Trinity Academy Holy Trinity Academy
Holyoke Holyoke
Horizon Horizon
Idalia Idalia
Ignacio Ignacio
James Irwin James Irwin
Jefferson Jefferson
Jefferson Academy Jefferson Academy
Jim Elliot Christian Jim Elliot Christian
John F. Kennedy John F. Kennedy
John Mall John Mall
Julesburg JHS Julesburg JHS
Justice Justice
Karval Karval
Kent Denver Kent Denver
Kim Kim
Kiowa Kiowa
Kit Carson Kit Carson
La Junta La Junta
La Veta La Veta
Lake City Lake City
Lake County Lake County
Lakewood Lakewood
Lamar Lamar
Las Animas Las Animas
Legacy Legacy
Legend Legend
Lewis-Palmer Lewis-Palmer
Liberty (CS) Liberty (CS)
Liberty (Joes) Liberty (Joes)
Liberty Common Liberty Common
Limon Limon
Littleton Littleton
Lone Star Lone Star
Longmont Longmont
Longmont Christian Longmont Christian
Lookout Academy Lookout Academy
Loveland Loveland
Lutheran-Parker Lutheran-Parker
Lyons Lyons
Mancos Mancos
Manitou Springs Manitou Springs
Manual Manual
Manzanola Manzanola
Maranatha Christian Maranatha Christian
McClave McClave
Mead Mead
Meeker Meeker
Merino Merino
Merino JHS Merino JHS
Mesa Ridge Mesa Ridge
Miami-Yoder Miami-Yoder
Middle Park Middle Park
Mitchell Mitchell
Moffat Moffat
Moffat County Moffat County
Monarch Monarch
Montbello Montbello
Monte Vista Monte Vista
Montezuma-Cortez Montezuma-Cortez
Montrose Montrose
Monument Academy Monument Academy
Mountain Range Mountain Range
Mountain Valley Mountain Valley
Mountain View Mountain View
Mountain Vista Mountain Vista
Mullen Mullen
Nederland Nederland
New Vision Charter New Vision Charter
Niwot Niwot
North Fork North Fork
North Park North Park
Northfield Northfield
Northglenn Northglenn
Northridge Northridge
Norwood Norwood
Nucla Nucla
Olathe Olathe
Otis Otis
Ouray Ouray
Overland Overland
Pagosa Springs Pagosa Springs
Palisade Palisade
Palmer Palmer
Palmer Ridge Palmer Ridge
Paonia Paonia
Pawnee Pawnee
Peak to Peak Peak to Peak
Peak to Peak HS Peak to Peak HS
Peetz Peetz
Peyton Peyton
Pikes Peak Christian Pikes Peak Christian
Pine Creek Pine Creek
Pinnacle, The Pinnacle, The
Plainview Plainview
Plateau Valley Plateau Valley
Platte Canyon Platte Canyon
Platte Valley Platte Valley
Pomona Pomona
Ponderosa Ponderosa
Poudre Poudre
Prairie Prairie
Prairie View Prairie View
Primero Primero
Pritchett Pritchett
Pueblo Centennial Pueblo Centennial
Pueblo Central Pueblo Central
Pueblo County Pueblo County
Pueblo East Pueblo East
Pueblo South Pueblo South
Pueblo West Pueblo West
Ralston Valley Ralston Valley
Rampart Rampart
Rangely Rangely
Rangeview Rangeview
Ranum Ranum
Regis Jesuit Regis Jesuit
Resurrection Christian Resurrection Christian
Revere Revere
Ridge View Academy Ridge View Academy
Ridgway Ridgway
Rifle Rifle
Roaring Fork Roaring Fork
Rock Canyon Rock Canyon
Rocky Ford Rocky Ford
Rocky Mountain Rocky Mountain
Rocky Mountain Christian Rocky Mountain Christian
Roosevelt Roosevelt
Rye Rye
Saint Mary's Saint Mary's
Salida Salida
Sand Creek Sand Creek
Sanford Sanford
Sangre De Cristo Sangre De Cristo
Sargent Sargent
Sedgwick County Sedgwick County
Sheridan Sheridan
Shining Mountain Waldorf Shining Mountain Waldorf
Sierra Sierra
Sierra Grande Sierra Grande
Silver Creek Silver Creek
Silver State Christian Silver State Christian
Simla Simla
Skyline Skyline
Skyview Skyview
Smoky Hill Smoky Hill
Soroco Soroco
South Baca South Baca
South Park South Park
Springfield Springfield
St. Anthony St. Anthony
St. Mary's Academy St. Mary's Academy
Standley Lake Standley Lake
Steamboat Springs Steamboat Springs
Sterling Sterling
Sterling MS Sterling MS
Strasburg Strasburg
Stratton Stratton
Summit Summit
Swink Swink
Telluride Telluride
Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson
Thompson Valley Thompson Valley
Thornton Thornton
ThunderRidge ThunderRidge
Trinidad Trinidad
Union Colony Prep Union Colony Prep
University University
Vail Christian Vail Christian
Vail Mountain Vail Mountain
Valley Valley
Valor Christian Valor Christian
Vilas Vilas
Vista Ridge Vista Ridge
Walsh Walsh
Wasson Wasson
Weld Central Weld Central
Weldon Valley Weldon Valley
West Grand West Grand
Westminster Westminster
Wheat Ridge Wheat Ridge
Widefield Widefield
Wiggins Wiggins
Wiggins JHS Wiggins JHS
Wiley Wiley
Windsor Windsor
Woodland Park Woodland Park
Woodlin Woodlin
Wray Wray
Yuma Yuma
Yuma Middle School Yuma Middle School
Latest Results
Mines Indoor HS Meet Series #1
2024 96th Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays
Western High School Open
Kansas Relays
2023 95th Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays
Panther Relays 2023
Western High School Open
Air Force High School Open
2023 AF Peak Invitational
Mountain Lion Open
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