Charles Bowles Spring Break Classic Date: 03-21-08   Venue: Willamette, OR
Types of Entrants:
    Individual Athletes, Clubs, Colleges, Junior Colleges
Meet Events: Available
Name: Meet Manager

Fax: 000 000 0000
Online entries CLOSED on 3/18/08 12:00 PM US/Pacific
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Meet Notes:
    Important Info: NEW Meet format/Officials We started this meet a few years ago with the idea that we would create a meet opportunity for about 100 Northwest Conference student-athletes as they head into their spring break. With small numbers, the meet was manageable for a Friday afternoon with limited officials. Due to the major increase in the number of entries in recent years, at the request of several schools we are doing away with the “open pit” format in the field events which now creates a need for several more officials to help run all of the events. To honor the “no open pit” request we are asking that each attending school be ready to provide 1-2 people to help out in the field events if necessary. MUST BE COLLEGE AGE OR OLDER.